Do Gorillas know Sign Language?

 Do Gorillas Know Sign Language?🦍🦍

American sign language or ASL can be communicated by people around the world to help many communicate. Although people are using ASL, animals  are using it too. A gorilla named Koko is one of the first gorillas to use ASL. Dr. Patterson was one of her main sources of ASL. These studies are still going on today.

Another gorilla named Michael is also learning ASL. Turns out, gorillas have a gestural language of their own. That is what makes it easier to teach sign language than almost any other animal.

Although only two gorillas have learned ASL so far, scientists have discovered so much about animals since then. Gorillas are one of the smartest creatures on the planet. Some proof is that they’ve created a “language” where they can communicate using gestures. Scientists think that gorillas have actually started this language before we could even think of it!

These gorillas are only the beginning of animal communication. The fact that they have a way of gestural communication on their own is fascinating. Everyday life could change so much if we could talk to animals, our pets would be friendly, everything would be just right.

All of our animal dreams begin with good communication with them, and it all starts with gorillas.


To find out more about gorillas go to: 

Gorilla - Wikipedia 


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