Should Schools Teach Life Skills Classes?

 Should Schools Teach Life Skills Classes?

Some schools are considering teaching skills for life at their campus, but parents and teachers may not agree. Some people say that it is actually vital for kids to learn classes without their parents. But others think that it’s too much on kids with the hours that they're already going through during school and after school programs. Some reasons may help you decide.

Yes- Skills are very important

Life skills are an important part of our daily habits which take up most of our lives. If we learn to perfect these habits, then we will potentially be in a more upbeat, happy life. Studies show that an average person’s happiness is 5.35. That is not very happy however many people with upbeat, and good habits, tend to have a happiness of 7.49. So schools should teach these skills if they want their students to be happier in the future. 

No- It’s extra work

Schools shouldn’t teach life skills classes because kids already have 6 hours of school. If they did, it would be 7-8 hours of school. And about 7 out of 10 kids want school to end even earlier. These skills are also taught to kids by their parents. When kids learn with their parents, they tend to listen more, and have a safer, more comforting environment around them. Many kids may feel pressured to stay at school rather than have  a little fun. Kids can also teach themselves how to cook, do laundry and others just by watching their parents. So why should schools consider it in the first place?


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