The P.I.E. Team


This month we’re featuring Demeter! 

Demeter is the goddess of fertility and harvest. She is one of the 12 olympians. She had a daughter named Persephone, similar to Demeter, she controlled the flowers

Demeter was the daughter of Cronus and Reha. She also introduced the method of growing corn to mankind. Before that, there was no corn on the entire planet. Some of her most common symbols were wheat, corn and 


Demeter was also partially the cycle of life and death. She had an important role in the underworld, and Earth’s life. Demeter also introduced plants to mankind as well. Demeter was often pictured as a mature woman on a throne with her torch. Poseidon and Demeter had one child. Although they were not married, they had one child. The child was claimed to be Demeter’s. 

The P.I.E. Team

Poseidon & Demeter


Posedien and Demeter have a history. Although Demeter didn’t get married, she had a child with Poseidon. 

Poseidon loved Demeter, and wanted to make a child with her. In order to make that happen, she devised a plan to be with her alone. He first pretended to be a stallion in need. Demeter couldn’t help but bring the “helpless creature” with her. Once she arrived at her home, she tried to help the stallion. It was time for Poseidon to turn back. He turned into his goldy form, and made a child named Desponia. 

Demeter was extremely mad at Poseidon.

Later, Poseidon & Demeter had another child named Arion. Poseidon made Arion a stallion in honor of his work being a stallion. He also was mad at Arion, so he put a curse on him. 

Active woman running under an urban structure

Picture Caption: Demeter was the goddess of the crops. Farms are one of the structures that require crops. The rows of plants are keeping mankind alive.


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