Should Reading be Homework?

The P.I.E. Team

Should Reading be Homework?

Do Books help students, or occupy them?

Reading and writing are very important standards wherever you are in school, even if you're doing math. Reading helps you know what, and where things are and so much more. Reading books helps us understand the world out of school more, and helps our grades. Should reading be vital to our homework though? Many kids say they do not want reading to be homework. On the contrary, many educators and parents say it helps them. A deeper dive into each side can change answers in this debate.

Yes- Academics Are Everything

When it comes to academics, everything is important, inside or outside of the classroom. Reading is a part of that, studies show that a student’s grades can improve at least 10% if they read for 20 minutes a day,

at minimum. If educators make reading for at least 20 minutes each day homework will significantly improve students’ grades. Teachers want their students to be more successful, assigned reading is a start.

No- Students have enough on their minds

Reading is already taught in a classroom, why at home. Kids have many things to do besides homework, they need a break. Educators discuss books, and comprehension in the classroom, isn’t it all the kids need? In order to help kids manage their time equally, they need 10 to 15 minutes of paper, or online work, to add reading would make work longer than the break that they need. Although, children can take breaks throughout the day, it helps to stay focused on 1 

thing  for a long amount of time. If reading is or was  homework, then it would occupy students until they went to bed. Although some students complete their homework faster, some complete it a lot slower. To have reading be assigned would occupy those kids a lot longer than  others. Therefore, reading isn’t really fair either. 


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